Wednesday, November 24, 2010

love is evil

I'm cold as ice,as the weather outside my window
I don't care,I'm not nice,I'll make you turn,
I'll burn your house down,collapse your upside frown
I'can't stand,I can't breathe,I've got no heart,
but from the bottom of my heart there lies hope.
It's taken away,thrown away to decay,
my misery is all that's left for me,
a tool,a puppet with who I play,
it's you,oh so true,so nice,so blue,
I colored it black,threw it away,I don't want it back
we're through,me and you went to magical places
took of our masks and showed eachother our faces.
Behind the lie,the illusion,the evil infusion of love,
lays the greatest darkness of all,
the face which I saw,stroke fear in my heart,
I tore it out,threw it away,
made the fear go away,don't stay,I don't want to play.
Now it's gone,and I mourn,my heart threw up
I can't grow up,grow old,no show no more -
it's life,it got me,I now have you as my companion
don't nurish me,don't care for me because this road
takes me towards my end(city)

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