Thursday, October 1, 2015

How and why?

things were getting bad
I mean bad. I just didnt even know anymore, decided to just call everything in life with one phrase ''fuck it''. So I decided that shit won't get better anyway, might as well go as deep as you can go and start over so I decided to do LSD.
never will I LSD again obviously, but what I experienced... More like what I was ALLOWED to experience by the LORD was nothing short of amazing. I felt like I was the creator. funnily enough everything was kinda given to me at that point. I saw things appear out of thin air and just materialize itself. Such as flowers etc etc. Now the most particular part about that trip was.. I constantly kept thinking about the bible. I was with a chick, and we broke into a garden. ALL I was thinking was .. oh my .. this is like the garden of eden. and it was. We both ate apples. and I started following her, in my head thinking, so the serpent wants to go further. okay so then everything yknow started appearing in front of me and I even got stuck at one point, literally.. stuck inside a wall inside the garden, she had to make a pathway to come get me. Yes I'm aware it was just drugs, however.. it felt like I was in gods presence oddly enough, and NOT satan who created the drug. For example, when we needed to get a taxi back home since we were out of town, at first we didn't get ANY taxis, no reception or no free taxis available, so we decided to walk. next thing I know, taxis everywhere, just driving by just like that. So everything was handed to me like that.
Now at first I didn't think much of it. of the entire trip, it was overwhelming ofc. and I just was like.. well that's that. And I kinda .. fell into darkness again, not as deep. Then this girl(unrelated to the lsd trip) started talking to me about Jesus
and being in the state of mind of .. fuck it.. I just decided to give God a chance. I asked for a sign. OK if you're really there then go ahead, show me, prove to me that you exist. I did get a sign sadly I do not remember what it was. a few days go by, I keep talking to that girl, and more and more I decided that yes, Jesus is for me.
So then I was like.. fair enough, should got to a gathering, a church, something. I decided to go for 3D kogudus. and WOW what a day. at first ofc I felt ''oh man I really don't want to go etc etc'' but I figured.. ''I owe this much to God that I should just go today''. Okay so I went. I was listening to music as usualy, theme was ''leaving satan behind'' sort of.. though the music itself was not of CHristian nature, but it did carry the ''letting him go'' tune. okay so I notice people staring at me, but not normally but a little bit puzzled as if I was to leave then. I figured it must be somehow how I look. or something. figured whatever, just listen to music and stare out of the window and think about God and Jesus.
Next thing I know, the song while still playing suddenly changed. to ''Celebration day'' by Led Zeppelin which if you don't know carry the lyrics:

''My, my, my, I'm so happy,
I'm gonna join the band,
We are gonna sing and dance in celebration,
We are in the promised land.''

now as that verse came on, I see a cross on a house I've driven by about a thousand times. I'VE NEVER noticed a cross on that house, EVER
then I'm thinking to myself.. well I must be in the right place then, and going to the right place. okay the 3d kogudus was awesome, somehow the THEME was perfect just for me, it talked about dedication to what we want out of life and what we believe in. literally keyword being DEDICATION. Okay so I kinda got to know them a little bit. And ended up going home. on the busride I asked the Lord once again, if he's still there with me to show me a sign, and he did so with another random song( I have about 500 + songs on my phone, it could have been ANY one and it was set on random) as soon as I asked and pressed 'next song' . Simple plan - One came on ,which is a song about belonging to something greater basically. Then I felt this urge to talk to this young man who was clearly out of it, he was standing back first towards everyone in the bus, somehow between the door and the midway of the trolley. BUT I begged the lord to not make me do it because I just didn't feel OK with going and talking to a random person, I wanted him to give me another chance, just not that boy. once I made up my mind that yep, I won't talk to him, the boy AT THAT POINT when I came to the conclusion just walked to the front of the bus and got off, with me. But he was walking ridiculously fast and I couldn't keep up so I had to let go.
In the bus stop I see an old woman, completely out, just in a fetal position inside her own filth being almost unconscious
so I figured, now or never. and I started talking to her
telling her things like, God wants her and it's not all lost, she just has to trust in God to show her the way. she opened up and very very reluctantly I got her to say a prayer with me.
okay so I ended leaving her, I told her in advance that I have to go home, but God Will get her, but you need to think about things first and figure out if you want him in your life.
So I went home, feeling pretty good about myself. I prayed for her, then asked the lord, if I did good, if I really did something worthwhile. I asked him to show me a sign again with music like he had done before
so yet again. ''next''
and the song ''SHUT UP!'' came along, I just laughed out loud, God really does have a sense of humor. I finished the song. and another one came up straight after with the lyrics ''trust in me, I won't let you down'' and when that point hit, I just looked into the sky since it was a pretty nice looking vista, and I see, in the clouds. An almost perfect eye was watching me. I'm not even shitting you, even the IRIS of the eye was darker than the outlining. I didn't take a picture, but I think I'd rather remember it than have a photograph do it for me. To that i just said '' Hey lord, thank you'

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