Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Cannabis Experience

It largely depends on the plant itself. What breed it is. The fresher it is the stronger ''hit'' you get. It works in a soothing manner, calming firstly your trachea then your oesophagus. If you let it it will relax the rest of your body starting with muscles and then ''shutting down'' the nervous system. Meditating or breathing exercises is encouraged because while your body is mostly shut down, the energies are scattered all around your body. And yes you can feel each and every energy in your body and can direct it. I'm guessing telepathy and levitation(incl telekinesis) is more likely when in this state, since you have absolute control over your entire  body's energies.
    When your body begins to shut itself off for energies to free flow, you lose your sense of time firstly, beginning to make little sense of passing moments. The feeling can be described as hopping back and forward in time, aka you are constantly reminding yourself what happened and visualizing it in your mind while making a new activity and remembering it while looking at it with your eyes.... so essentially you have two pictures swapping themselves[mental picture(in your minds eye) and visual picture(through eyes)]. I chose to go to sleep/meditate and have no real experience on how greatly it can affect your sensory systems also walking and moving is very much affected as I imagine eating and every other activity might be, such as listening etc.
    Meditation and breathing exercises. I started controlling my breathing. Taking in more and more air(and energy) with each breath until I could literally take in no more since there was no room left in my body to fill. After my breathing was corrected* I started directing energies the in my body, by then energies did not feel scattered all over the body, but more as waves throughout your body. I chose to direct energies into my main chakra points. Since each chakra has a different vibration to it and your bodily energies act as one collective wave you will experience plenty of somewhat ''shaky'' movements as your body adjusts to each energetic level. The lower chakras are much less dense than the higher ones therefore your body will move much slower along with the frequency, however once you hit the highest point your body will be shaking because the energy wavelenght is indeed very short. Each chakra point seems to have been assigned to a specific bodily organ such as lungs and heart, pineal gland, bladder etc.The spine however is controlled by all of the main chakras so it will move according to wave frequency(in the highest frequency every vertebra will be moving as to simulate the short wavelenght in a wave). When done with the meditation you will have removed blockages that don't allow energy free flow movement. This type of meditation is extremely encouraged for ill minds as it allows you to recalibrate each and every chakras energy intake at will, which in turn will make your bodily energies more balanced and less focused on the mind. In the end of the meditation your pineal gland will be active and excreting liquids(life force) which can sustain your body better than food therefore you won't have to eat.
    After effect. As I woke up, all my body seemed very functional(not that it wasn't before but it became fine tuned).  I am feeling light headed(as in I don't focus on my mind that much) and my overall body seems to be rather light and pure. The term which I will happily throw out there to describe what I'm feeling right now would be Clarity.
    Obviously this meditation can be done without the help of a stimulant, but when you're incapable for proper meditation then I highly recommend doing cannabis. For me it's a drug that allows me to enter different bodily states through mediation with ease.

* I'd like to point out that corrected means stabilized. Breathing is deep, calm and in tune with your body.
Normally, uncontrolled breathing is a separate mechanism that passively breathes, but while in a meditative state it becomes active and is one with your body.

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