Garh, I should really get some sleep... 2 in the morning is NOT the time when you should write a blog post, ESPECIALLY then when you don't really have shit to say, like you haven't said enough today, haven't had your daily dosage of saying shit that people don't even give the slightest shit about...or maybe that's just me? People have a tendency to be attention whores, yeah it shows quite well on me, doesn't it?(fucking asshole) And the more people do it, the less fucks are given about it, which means, all the IMPORTANT stuff that people NEED to say is lost into carelessness. Well that sucks, doesn't it? I mean.. if someone really has something to say and we just keep assuming that it's not worth the time, then we are missing out on reality, quiiite a lot... Then again, most of fucknuggets(by that I mean people) try to keep away from reality. . . Fucking why? Reality is much better than your best dream and your worst nightmare, it's a really nice blend of both, if you haven't figured that out by now then well, you're not very witty *insert a the part where you fellow Earth-dweller bitch about what I just said*. Another thing that ticks me off is when people assume this and assume that, SERIOUSLY who the fuck are you? You're not God, you don't know me *whoahuaa* (from gingers do have souls, something like that)... No, but seriously, stop assuming! At LEAST amongst friends, don't assume what your friends will or will not do, just accept the possibility that it may go a billion ways and by you assuming it that will really get the numbers quite small ( a.k.a you'd kinda wish for it to happen and it will ). Lets see.... what else don't I like... Alco...holicometers ... Yea, those things, why the fuck do you need that piece of plastic to tell you you're drunk, there's 2 options in being drunk, either.. you are .. or you aren't.. .why the fuck do you need a machine to tell you that? you: '' well it tells you how drunk you are Kevin'' Who, gives, a , fuck... when you've had alcohol and you think you're still drunk, chances are that you're fucking drunk, don't ask a machine to tell it for you, to be honest... actually do buy the fucking thing, because that way you'll waste money on that piece of shit than on alcohol or drugs or whatever you kids like to play with nowadays... you:'' oh my god Kevin, you keep thinking we're all the same, just because I drink rarely, doesn't make me drinker..'' yes it does, unless you can keep your fat ass away from that stuff for a year or so, then you're not... Another thing that really pisses you off, is when you go and eat some dinner and notice that there are no clean forks or spoons or anything left... the dishwasher is right there, but no one fucking bothers to turn the piece of shit on, REALLY wh.. but... it's just one small little movement, but NOO no-one does it, BUT if you try it yourself, the house practically catches fire.. what the fuck? How can one person be so awful in life? What I also get annoyed by is all the stuff you need to crowd control, and if you do it never fucking helps, but you have to anyway, cause it's worse if you don't.... Seriously, sugar yea.. when you need to put it in coffee while using a spoon... One... twooo... th...OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! ever get that? Food that you have to use your fork to sort of.. stab it...peas for example.. you can never just quite get that ONE(possibly 2) fucking pea on your fork or... over?? it.. a.k.a skewered on a fork... whatever...Computer files, yea, you always have to keep an eye on where the fuck you put this, put that, do it this way do it that way, same applies to computer games... BUT when you try and create shortcuts and new system types etc to deal with the problem... well.. Good Luck understanding what the shit is going on, cause it's too bloody complicated, there seems to be no Mid ground here... Weather, yea.. that bitch, you always need to fucking dress accordingly to please that whore, cause if you don't your ass will be either cold as fuck, wet, hot, freezing, chilly, dry.. whatever.... Acne... don't even fucking get me started on those fuckers... ARGH! In technology what really doesn't make it to Santa's good boy list is annoying phones, WHO gives a fuck if my phone has 9 billion niggawats of RAM, NO ONE, all you need ... is an mp3 player(preferably) a calling option and a text messaging option.. that's it? Internet is nice.. Camera? e... Don't really need it.. but it does come in handy when your ass is too lazy to write shit down... but that's pretty much it... no bluetooth, no rocket launcher, no insta word typing program that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever in putting the most random words it can find in your message, no MMS ... does anyone even use that thing? multi media s.. sõnum.. :D, anyone? no? WHY HAVE IT? And last but not least... Time.. yep.. I can't even get started on how much that guy pisses me off... Always making me hurry there and there, always making me do this and that... FUCK YOU ! Let me sleep for once... no? :( ... I bet no one even read this to the end, it was probably like... you: *reads* '' oh fuck this, Kevin is bitching about something again, ain't gonna bother''
GRRR YOU! ff.. afpgjhuridfv DIE! Keep this in mind.. when you plan on reading a book or anything... then read the WHOLE thing.. don't go reading from here, and here and a little bit there... read the whole damn thing! Otherwise it's just laziness and disrespect that you put out, towards your morale and the other persons work... (can hardly call it work though, well my post at least..)