Sunday, October 24, 2010

is it not?

This reality,this sense of vibration is now affecting my consciousness on level of subconscious awareness,I have gone past by a metal wall in my system,I did not climb,I did not go under,I didn't even go around it,I made it disappear...The wall of not being able to build is now down,I am in tune with my deeper vibrations,my signature is now different,it's always changing,yes,but now I'm in a different dimension...The complexity of life seems to straighten itself out,my awareness is growing,I am becoming more in tune,more into my vibration that I myself am sending out,even more strongly than I receive it.I seem to be aware,that I work on a different scale,that my higher mind is now seeing the dark depths of my subconscious...I do not now all the secrets,but I now see the walls,behind those walls,I Know lays greater secrets than most men never know...Most people will never make it into the simple form of vibration in which I'm in,I feel proud,I feel as if I have achieved something,true throughout thinking,perhaps in some peoples perspective,throughout excessive thinking..I have achieved it...I now can dig deeper into different realms of dimensions,and unfold the secrets that is hidden in myself...
-for those who understand,Me

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