Esimese klassi õpetaja nimi: Heldi Oese
Viimane laul, mida laulsid: Linkin Park - Papercut
Viimane laul, mis sind kummitas: Linkin Park - From the inside
Viimane inimene, kellega sa rääkisid: Maarja
Viimane film, mida sa nägid: oh god..aha! Tuxedo,telerist...
Mis on su CD mängijas hetkel: ei oma cd mängjat
Mis värvi sokke sa kannad: hetkel,nähtamatuid,muidu valgeid
Mis on su voodi all: põrand
Kuidas ilm hetkel on: vaikne,külm,pime
Mis kell sa täna ärkasid: ei ole veel magama läindu,kahtlustan,et 8...
Mis su telekas praegu käib: elektripinge mäng,teler ei tööta(ei käi hetkel)
Kui palju lähedasi sõpru sul on: 4
Kui palju vaenlasi sul on: kohati ma ise,kuid muidu... üksikud..
Kellega sa tahaksid abielluda: tõelise armastusega
Kuhu sa praegu minna tahaksid: Inglismaale,raamatukokku ja Stone Hengei juurde
Milline su karjäär välja näeks: abistav(inimeste suhtes,ka loomade kui vaja :D:D)
Kus sa tahaksid elada: üksinda või kaaslasega,new yorkis või kuskil olulises linnas,kõrgel ''penthouse'' korteris
Mitu last sa tahaksid : 2-3
Laste nimed: ei ole mõelnudki nii kaugele ette...(VÄGA üllatav minupuhul),aga...tahaks...kas kolme poissi,John,Aleksander,possibly Henry(the names will certainly change) and.. if 2 boys and a girl.. the girl would be Emma...
Kuhu sa mesinädalateks minna tahaksid: maailma avastada ehk mittmesse kohta,ajalugu tundma õppima minna,nagu ka muidu elus :D
Milline auto sul on: nähtamatu,tahaksin mercedest mingisugust..
Kui vanalt sa abiellud: kui leian kedagi,kes nii suurt koormat taluda suudab,kui ma pakun...
Nimi: Kevin
Hüüdnimed: Õu Vaher,Kev,kevvu,boksu kevv(ainult üks inimene,keegi teine ei puutu seda nime),kevin mostly..
Aadress: Aedvere 11
Sünnipäev: 19.august
Sünnikoht: Tõrva vist...kuigi ma kahtlen,minumeelest oli elvas vist.. või midagi säärast
Tähtkuju: Lõvi
Perekonnaseis: isa,ema,õde,vend,mina,mu ego
Lemmikloomad: inimesed.. :D
Juuste värv: helepruun
Silmade värv: tume sinine kuid neil on omapärane komme muutuda roheliseks õhtuti..tumeroheliseks...briljant roheliseks...niiet...tume sinine ja tume roheline
Rõngad: Onion rings?
Mis käega kirjutad: parem käsi
Mis on su kõige mugavam riietusese: tekiall poolpaljalt.. :D muidu,teksad ja pusa
Elu eesmärk: saada kõrgharidus,edukas karjäär,vanas eas ülikooli proffessor... teada väga palju...
Laul, mis kirjeldaks su elu: Muusika...kuna laulu ei ole,mu elu on muusikaliselt väga mitmekesine...
Viis sõna, mis kirjeldaks sind: hooliv,karm,aus,mitmekesine,tark
Parim sõbranna: Lizeth ja Maarja
Parim sõber: Kristjan ja Allar
Kust võib sind tavaliselt leida: kodust,omast mullist,kõige tihedamini kohtab mind mõttemaailmas ;)
Kellega sa tahaksid praegu koos olla: oma mineviku minaga...
Oled sa tähelepanu keskpunktis: tihti,vahest liiga..
Kas jääd alati hiljaks: enamusajast...kooli..muidu olen üpriski täpipealt seal kus vaja...
Kuidas oleks kõige parem lõõgastuda: Kristjaniga chillout mussi kuulates ja viirukit kärsatades,ehk lihtsalt chillida...
Kas sulle meeldib olla üksi või inimestega: üksi,kuid seltskond peab olema hea,siis seltskonnaga
Kellega sa tülitsed kõige rohkem: Maarjaga
Kes on parim rääkija/kuulaja sinu arust: see kes kuulab,ning arvamust avaldab,see keda saan usaldada sellega,millest räägin talle(varieerub)
Kes on kõige usaldusväärsem: Kristjan ja Allar
Kes on kõige naljakam: Kõik mu armastatud inimesed on naljakad
Kes on alati olnud sulle rasketel aegadel toeks: mu loomus..
Kes on suurim luuser: nime ei nimeta..kuid ärge kartke,sina see ei ole...
Kellel on kõige lahedam kodu: Kristjanil ja Liisul(Lizeth)
Kõige lahedam auto: mu kujutletav lamborghinislashmomsbike
Täiuslikum: täiuslikkust ei eksisteeri
Kes saab kõige tõenäolisemalt kuulsaks: Aleks,RAUDSELT,ja loodetavasti ka mina..
Kes naeratab alati: Kristjan,LIZETH
Kõige targem: väga raske küsimus..
llma mõtlemata sureks su eest: ei tea,kas tekiks momenti,kus ei jõuaks mõelda,enne mu eluohtu...teisisõnu viivitaksin,et saadakse mõelda.. :D
Kurdab kõige rohkem: kõik kurdame ühepalju,aga mina kõige rohkem kahjuks
Suurim sebija: Kristjan kuid ta ei tee selle heaks midagi :D
Kõige stiilsem: Lizeth all the way :D
Jook: Mahl
Album: ei eksisteeri
Värv: sinine ja roheline!ja ka valge väga austatud minu silmis..
Riided:teksad,t-särk,pusa,sokid ja tossud...
Toit: ei ole lemmikut,aga pizzat tahaks hetkel :D
Söögikoht: anywhere that says pizza on it..
Saade: Discover Science/Channel
Näitleja: Heath Ledger ja Johnny Depp
Film: Ink
Laul: always look on the bright side of life - monthy python
Laulja: Jackoby Shaddox you're gonna have to share it with Bruce Dickinson
Bänd: Iron Maiden,Papa Roach,Nightwish,Jazz(muusika liik) .. oh fuck it.. KÕIK muusika(except country and hardstyle and all that other puke stuff...)
Tegevusala: being kevin,but never being myself..
Spordiala: Kung Fu..sorta..
Kuu: hetkel kahanemas... lemmik on täiskuu ... :D
Lill: flytrap(see suur,mis saab ka väiksemaid loomi süüa)
Tüdrukunimi: Emma..
Õppeaine: Occult science... :D anyone?no? -.- ... *sight* English,History and that sort of covers it for now..
Õpetaja: Mari Mehtälä ja Lilian Kattel (Y)
Number: 4
Multikategelane: Brian
Firmamärk: pentagramm.. :D(it doesn't exist... probably..)
Mäng: One of the BEST games I've ever played... Arcanum(PC) and ...Bioshock is awesome too...lauamängudest monopol,alias ja kaardid
Raadiojaam: ei kuula,kuid... autos spin.FM
Limonaad: Nestea(green):D
Maiustus: kondenspiim
Koht: England(never been there :D)
Lõhn (deodorant vms): viirukid ja piparmünt
Näts: orbit darkmint
Perekonnaliige: ema,isa...
Kiirtoidukoht: anything that says pizza on it... ja chopstiks
Alkohoolne jook: vein....
Tossud: Converse for the win
On sind kunagi süüdistatud kuriteo toimepanemises: jah
Kui palju võtab sul aega peole minekuks enda ette valmistamine: jälestan pidusi,so no idea..
Millist võimet sa tahaksid: Element control(particle manipulation) või üleloomulikku telekineetika oskust... well just magick will do..
Sõnad või laused, mida sa kõige tihedamini kasutad: ma tean... , kas sa teadsid et..
Kas sulle meeldib endaga rääkimine: ma ei oska öelda,teen seda siis kui midagi on väga mõttes...vahel arutan iseendaga :D
Suurim hirm: ebaõnnestuda
Millist nime sa oleksid omale tahtnud: hetkene nimi ei kurda... aga robert ehk... tegelikult.. tahaksin olla sir Kevin
Milline laul meenutab sulle su minevikku: Seether ft.Amy Lee - broken
Usud sa jumalasse: ma..eh.. ma olen oma enda jumal.. seega ei,inglitesse aga küll
Saad sa oma vanematega hästi läbi: tujutsemist tuleb ette kõigiga..
Mis kell sa magama lähed: pärast seda testi,how long it takes.. that long I'll wait..
Kui sa näed mõnda vastassugupoole esindajat, siis millist kehaosa sa kõige esimesena vaatad: oleneb,kui keegi näeb välja nagu lits,siis rindu(possibly exposed),kui mitte siis silma...seejärel ülejäänud keha
Kui sul oleks 1 päev elada, millega sa siis tegeleks: langevarjuhüppe,seksiksin,teeksin nii palju kui võimalik lõpetaksin raamatu lugemisega :D
Kui sul oleks võimalus ükskõik milline päev oma elust kustutada, siis millise:minevik on teinud meid nendeks kes me oleme,ei kustutakski...
Mis tööd sa suvel teed: orjan kodus,kuid plaanin normaalset töökohta hankida next summer
Mis on kõige imelikum asi, millega tegeledes on su vanemad sulle peale sattunud: olin endise tüdrukuga tekiall kui kasuisa sisse astus ja krõpsu tõi..:D
Milline sa hommikuti oled: oleneb,kuid suuretõenäolsusega tige
Mida sa vajad hetkel kõige rohkem: armastust ja tarkust juurde...
Mis on armastus: üksteise hoidmine ja mõistmine,ohverdus end teisele...
Mida sa kardad: et ma ei saa oma unistusi täide viia
Millest sa unistad: tulevikust...
puudutasid: no.. ise?:D aga...Helenit :):)
kallistasid: Helen
kellele sa saatsid sõnumi: er.. Maarja vist.. it was back in the day.. when I Could.. :D
kelle peale sa karjusid: ema,kuid sort of Maarja ka..
mõistev: jah
ausameelne: jah
ülbe: eneseväärikust jagub
ebakindel: aeg ajalt..
huvitav: öelge teie mulle...
kahtlane: maailma reaalsuse jaoks,kindlasti,enda reaalsuse jaoks ei..
näljane: jah
sõbralik: jah
tark: jah
tujukas: jah
lapsik: I don't remember what it's like..
iseseisev: usually.. :D
töökas: oleneb mida vaja teha..
organiseeritud: in my mind. .:D aga kui plaanide suhtes võtta.. siis jaa..aga mitte materjaalses maailmas(raamaturiiul jne)
terve: jah
emotsionaalselt stabiilne: jah
häbelik: ainult siis kui vajadus on,kui pean olema...
keeruline: you have no idea...
ligitõmbav: eemale tõukav,ent ligi tõmbav.. oleneb kuidas mul vajadus on..
puhtusearmastaja: puhtusearmastaja ja, korralik ei...
janune: veidi
vastutustundlik: jah
vaevatud: väga
vihane: jah
kurb: masenduses ehk?
õnnelik: ei
aktiivne: enamasti
usaldusväärne: jah
jutukas: jah
koka või pepsi: Mahl
lilled või kommid: subway sandwich...
pikk või lühike: I don't understand..
vana või noor: I don't understand.. :D
suur või väike: suur
ilus või kole: ilus
suitsetad: EI
saaksid ilma arvutita elada: give me the books I wanna read,I'd survive.. :D
värvid oma juukseid: ei
jood: EI
armastad vaadata päikesetõuse, -loojanguid: ainult paar korda olen elus kogenud...wtf..
usaldad kedagi liiga kergelt: vahest juhtub..
Riigis oled sa olnud: 3,4 if you count my room..
CD sa omad: piisavalt,et mitte viitsida neid üle lugeda..
Armi on su kehal : idunno,tule loe üle...
Minevikus tehtud asja sa kahetsed: kahetsen samas,kõik mis juhtus,juhtus põhjusega,seega.. pole hullu..
Tead: tean,et on vaja rohkem teadmisi,ja tean palju;)
Omad: mõnda teadmist..
Vihkad: oleneb,vahel kõiki,vahel ennast... kuidas kunagi :D
Kardad: ennast vahel... mõnikord teisi?
Kuuled: arvuti häält,maailma,vaikust,tuult,oleneb mida kuulda tahan..
Otsid: ennast,teadmisi...
Armastad: tegelikkuses kõike ja kõiki,vahel vihkan ka :.. :D
Mis sul valutab: süda..vahest hing,I dunno,kuidas kunagi :D
Millest sa hoolid: endast väga... ja inimestest
Alati teed: end teistest erinevaks...ehk.. ei ole teiste moodi..
Laulad: laulu?
Kirjutad: blogi..
Võidad: eesmärke..
Mis sind segadusse ajab: emotsioonid...
Kuulad: maailma..
Vajad: lähedust
Mille üle sa õnnelik oled: kui mind hoitakse,austatakse,kardetakse,jumaldatakse(mitte ühe inimse töö,vaid kõigi),kui suudan kedagi panna hästi tundma...kui saan armastada
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The new era has begun...

Enough!I have done this bidding for long enough,I shall no longer live how I am told to live,I am whole,I am myself,I have kept myself apart for all this time,it's time to fuse...I will no longer stay in the parameters that I have set for myself,I will say everything and all of it when I have something to say...I'm tired of suffocation,it's time to breathe,all who oppose me shall breathe heavily - simply put..stay out of my way! Yes,that's right.. I'm angry now,I'm really really angry.I will probably try and hold myself together for some time,but I can no longer do this,I've had it,it's me,it's who I am - I've had it, I'm not running from myself anymore,I'm facing my strongest demon...myself.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I am so fucking sick of this generation that I'm living in,there is no single soul my age who understands that drinking and partying is wrong,I'm so bloody sick of being the only person who thinks like this.Now of course you would say,then think differently - No,I will not have my future ruined because I fucked up in my past,I've done that enough.When will these people grow up,when will they bloody realize that they also have a future,why can't I see anyone who thinks like that...Yes I have heard,that there are people similar to me...even someone almost like me...in thought perspective,I haven't met any though... :( *sight* I know I'm not alone,but I could really use myself right now...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
hello world...
each and every individual has a journey ahead of themselves some greater,some lesser.A few of you,shall have an epic journey ahead,being as I am,I'd like to think I'm one of them,because ahead lays knowledge,wisdom,a totally different reality(even more different that it is now).I like to think that I no longer stand aside you world,for you,world,are shown simple,that people would understand you with great ease.I know that it's not that simple,and great complexity lays beyond.So far,I like to congradulate everyone world or not,that they've achieved something in their life so far,never forget to go further,achieve more!Remember,that everything is not what it seems,question everything,like I,you will find great wisdom ;)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Uncertain of my plans or goals,I have been told to just be,not to move all the time,to allow myself to do something stupid...How? --- I understand how...but I for some reason can't harmonize myself...I need to stand still for a while,I'm going to try.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tune,acknowledge,learn,sense,feel - Everything has it's own weight - Tune into balance of your life - acknowledge your actions - learn from your mistakes - sense the scale - feel the weight of motion.
What you do doesn't seem so big now,what you did however,is the weight on your shoulders,it's why you say you should have learned,it's the reason why we say ''learn from mistakes''... Think,sense,see - think about your future,once again sense your vibrations,see the outcome ... set your mind into it,you know the truth.
What you do doesn't seem so big now,what you did however,is the weight on your shoulders,it's why you say you should have learned,it's the reason why we say ''learn from mistakes''... Think,sense,see - think about your future,once again sense your vibrations,see the outcome ... set your mind into it,you know the truth.
I discovered again,that I still am human,for I too sometimes have the occasional ''feel'' moment.I feel tired...because I woke up pretty early and I've been gallavanting about today,so yeah,naturally I'm tired.Altough I'm not like tired,and relaxed I'm more of.. tense tired,pretty mellow too,I mean I'm listening to ''Metallica'' for gods sake...I wonder when will this ..''feel'' or human thing be over because I miss what I was just a day ago.. :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
either learn or leave
Understand that every ignorant decision makes you less of who you are,for every move you've done and take pride of that has infact hurt someone makes you into an unpleasant being.For every motion that drives your list of bad deeds corrupts your soul and trust among others.For who you're becoming,the person you strive for to be is a person of self.You will not achieve any,I do repeat ANY happiness in your future,I understand that being happy does not concern your head right now,but you should keep your corruption to yourself.When your wrong doing begins to affect others around you,you should stop,and choose a different path,reallize that what you will become has nothing to offer you but pleasure.Understand that someones emotions are not toys,you do not own them and you should keep away from playing with them.Young and foolish you have become,advice from elder does not drive you,your lust does.You must be thinking who am I to judge you,for you understand that I am not - I don't judge,I warn.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
it is science..
I wonder if I could dig into occult science,I'm in search of a book,which is,well... rather old..the book itself is almost 500 years old and the knowledge it possesses...I don't know how old that is.. It's in latin,but there's also a translated version into english.Why would I need such a book?Education my friends,education is the key to my ''success''.However,obtaining that education from that book,is probably rather difficult,IF NOT impossible.Because I can't seem to find it's existence in the web,still history books tell me it exist,so I'll believe those,ofc I haven't done a deep search yet,about finding it,but I'll get around to it.So yes,my world is spinning in a different direction from now on ;) A good question was asked from me,''when did you stop being human?'' To be honest,I don't know,I have never been what you call ''normal'' nowadays.Yes still I am a human,and I AM feeling feelings,and I am searching love like any other human being,still...it's not the first time I've heard such a saying towards me.Lately,people have been sort of ''noticing'' my existance,they sort of stare or ''wonder'' about me,they're not afraid of me,but what they feel towards me does fall into a category of ''fear'' perhaps...So yes the change in me does affect outerworld,not physically,you can't see the change,but mentally or emotionally,you can feel it...
Monday, August 16, 2010
aut disce aut discede
Yesterday,was amazing,hanged out with an old buddy :) it was great.Also,must note that I went to this shop that sold all sorts of interesting stuff,and.. I got a mood ring,an onyx pendant,and a pentagram medallion...And.. I really .. really want to work there.. I really want to get a job there,I'll probably go and ask if they have a job offering,I don't care about the pay...I just wanna be there.. The energy ,everything.. I liked it alot :) But yea,yesterday was nice for a change :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
you can't choose who you were
You can't choose who you were,and I wouldn't...I've found out so much info about me,but I can't trust anyone with it...so I can't (sadly) write it into this blog ...but! whose interested,ask me in real life,I'll tell you if I trust you :) To be honest,it starteled me...a little of it.. I knew... but so much I didn't,but all of it makes sense,I'm still the same person,it still reflects on me:) but yea,ask me :) that's all you need to do... :)
But,my world is pretty stable.except the shock/thrill I got today,but yea,it's going sort of according to plan :D
tomorrow(today) is going to be great :) I can't wait...Actually I should go and sleep ....early wake up call...so yeah,I'll leave it like that :)
But,my world is pretty stable.except the shock/thrill I got today,but yea,it's going sort of according to plan :D
tomorrow(today) is going to be great :) I can't wait...Actually I should go and sleep ....early wake up call...so yeah,I'll leave it like that :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Holding strong beliefs against something,is concidered a religion...Why is there no religion out ther for what I believe in?My beliefs are leading me towards a war which I will not fight,my life is now invisible to some,you are not included and not welcome.I choose who I want in my life and who will drag me down,my path is my own and I shall follow it 'til death.You can say what you have to say,my mind is made up.What I say,what I write,no longer concerns your mind,leave.Who I have left stranded,have still my aid,not my friendship,I will help,if help is what's being asked,and that's it.I also expect you never to help me,when I ask,and I accept that.What you're being told,what you do,steals you away from who you are,never forget what you are,who you can be and who you don't want to be,listen to your own heart not someone elses,they have a different background,story,leave them be,leave their story to themselves unless they share it with you.Don't mention me,unless you say good,and I won't mention you unless it's good,I can still gain from a wreckage.And yes,your heart will tell you if it's you who I am talking to,not your supreme senses.That's all from me,to you.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
black cat
august 10th was a great day,a Tuesday to remember.The girl is wonderful,she's probably the best one I've ever met,I like her and not just like,like alot.Just talking,hanging out in the city,watching the clouds(we both saw a heart there :D),even a few kisses - there's something magical about that.The connection is peaceful and strong,well it was,until fall and night hit.Alot happened with a few hours,I managed to be stupid,she managed to get hurt,and the other person...??.I don't know how to act or do,but I know,it's gonna happen again,the moment of magic we had,and I'm going to work towards that,she deserves that.I bet events that have happened are a neccesity,or just my dumb wish for a challenge,also I choose not to believe in superstition while a black cat ran across the road TWICE :D ,but once I think I ''deflected'' the bad outcome,yknow spit 3 times over the shoulder,I did that once,because I was explaining a situation that has happened before with black cats running across the road :D Now I have one more story to add to my collection of stories,which there are really not much...But yea,I'm hoping for the best,I really like this girl,smart and intelligent is one thing,but charm,good looks,kind heart and loving personallity is another... she has it all :P ( a little update of my life)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Beginning -
And I'm close to an adventure ahead of me,which does look really promising.Perhaps this love is what I need,since I've been looking for it for a long time,and I got what I wanted.. Let's see how it goes,my hopes are high,my senses are overloading and my dreams are not lonely.I trust this love and I want to love,feel great,feel happy.Looking foreward to the future,it's not dark also the darkness that surrounds me is beginning to fade as light shines upon the hole I'm in...I can now climb again :) I'm happy.
Friday, August 6, 2010
it's good to see you again :)
my bestest friends are back from everywhere.. It's so nice to hang with them again,I feel I've missed out on stuff :) well all I know is that they were missing,and they totally balanced me out again :) yay,yes,it's true I sound happy,I'm actually in a good mood,not moody anymore :):) and look what they made me listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyhMSMpipiw :)
Jaa,ma tean,et mulle on palju kordi öeldud,et ma peaksin vabamalt võtma... ma ei oska seda teha,ent hetkel ma teen seda - nii veider :) aga head emotsioonid (Y) :) ma tean ja ,et see vist eriti kaua ka ei kesta,kuid...kes teab,ma olen nii rahulik olnud viimasel ajal,täitsa mõnus on,olen isegi spontaansem kui ma varem olin,that's great too :)
Jaa,ma tean,et mulle on palju kordi öeldud,et ma peaksin vabamalt võtma... ma ei oska seda teha,ent hetkel ma teen seda - nii veider :) aga head emotsioonid (Y) :) ma tean ja ,et see vist eriti kaua ka ei kesta,kuid...kes teab,ma olen nii rahulik olnud viimasel ajal,täitsa mõnus on,olen isegi spontaansem kui ma varem olin,that's great too :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ma otsustasin selle postituse eesti keelsena teha.Kust alustada ning mida öelda...Jah tõsi,tuleks alustada algusest.Konflikt - jah,tõsi ta on,konflikte mul on olnud kuidagi erandkorralikult palju.Millegipärast,tunduvad need juhtumid tühiste ja ebatähtsatena,ma võin olla ''egoist'' ma võin olla kurjategija mõne inimese silmis,kui ei allu neile - samuti ma ei soovi teha nii nagu keegi teine tahab,et ma teeksin,sest ma ei tee seda - mis teebki minust erakordselt jultunud ja egoistliku mehe...Ma olen endaga tegelikult rahul,mitte eluga,kuid endaga - olen aru saanud,et kõik asjad mis öeldakse,mis võib tunduda halb,ei ole ka päris nii . . . Konflikt.Mõni konflikt on täiesti põhjatu,tagamõtte või plaanita,mõni konflikt on liiga nigela põhjaga,et sellele tähelepanu pöörata,mõni konflikt paneb sind halvasti tundma,ent tead,et sul on pigem õigus,sest samal ajal kui kaasosaline end aina kõrgemale ja rohkem täis puhud,jääd sina oma kesta edasi,ning ei liigu sealt ei suuremaks ,ei laiemaks,ei pikemas - sest olgem ausalt,kas sel on mingisugust mõtet?Ei,mõte puudub,halb tuju pane purki,viska minema,sellega sa midagi peale ei hakka ,peale rohkema halva külvamise....
Olen märganud mu otsuste mõju tulevikule.Ma elan minevikus,sest tulevik on alati minust ees...Tahaksin öelda,et minu otsustes on vorm,kujund,mingisugunegi kuju või muster,kuid see ei ole nii,sest kaos valdab meie meelt,emotsioonid,tunded,mõtted,teod kõik mõjutavad meie minevikku (ehk olevikku) ja see mida näeme lähitulevikus,võib osutuda üllatavaks,kui järgi mõelda mismoodi see juhtuda sai... :) Õppige!Õppige väänama oma tulevikku,te suudate seda,te peate loogikale ainult pihta saama,kui olete saanud,hakkake oma aju treenima sellega,tehke otsuseid,vaadake mis juhtub ning selle arvelt hakkake ''ennustama'' :) proovige,see on treening.mis tuleb teile kasuks.Ei,ma ise ei tee seda,kuid ehk hakkan,tundub põnev ;) edu teile,seda teil tarvis !
Olen märganud mu otsuste mõju tulevikule.Ma elan minevikus,sest tulevik on alati minust ees...Tahaksin öelda,et minu otsustes on vorm,kujund,mingisugunegi kuju või muster,kuid see ei ole nii,sest kaos valdab meie meelt,emotsioonid,tunded,mõtted,teod kõik mõjutavad meie minevikku (ehk olevikku) ja see mida näeme lähitulevikus,võib osutuda üllatavaks,kui järgi mõelda mismoodi see juhtuda sai... :) Õppige!Õppige väänama oma tulevikku,te suudate seda,te peate loogikale ainult pihta saama,kui olete saanud,hakkake oma aju treenima sellega,tehke otsuseid,vaadake mis juhtub ning selle arvelt hakkake ''ennustama'' :) proovige,see on treening.mis tuleb teile kasuks.Ei,ma ise ei tee seda,kuid ehk hakkan,tundub põnev ;) edu teile,seda teil tarvis !
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It's kind of boring down here...Really not much to do,just listen to music,stay in,pretend your friends still exist...yeah,I kind of don't have much to say - no wait,I did go to the dentist today,I dunno,I don't like them :D I don't do much about what has happened,because frankly I have no reason to clean anything up,I didn't even do anything.So here I am,enjoying what I have and not worrying about it,since it's such a waste to worry over nothing - kick back and try to smile is what I'm going for :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
relaxed over ... nothing?
Lately...been spending alot of time in the material world we call ''earth'' i've been really.. down-to-earth lately,in a bad way...And seeing ''Inception'' ,was - good?I mean,it actually did something good to me...Also a person has managed to guide me..finally,someone helped :) - Now,I'm relaxed,I don't know why,I'm just relaxed,I needed to chill and I can?how?why? I don't know,but it seems not to matter,I guess I needed it,and I found the opportunity..well more like,it was given to me :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2Cti12XBw4&feature=channel it chills me... :)
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