Thursday, November 1, 2018

To the world that judges me based on my accomplishments.

Even though I'm not able to uphold my life, I've given my life offering to God. I've offered my life because I have nothing else to give. He has honored me in my offering and redeemed me. Even though I'm not able to be at my best uphold a job that the world wants to see, I'm honored by God. And He has given me a platform to speak and a platform to preach.

Now world you may see a failure, a useless man but I've already been presented before over a hundred men whom I've preached to. These ain't Christian's , these are non Christian's, sinners, now if you think you're better than me then fine. Go and build your magnificence and become glorious before God. Whereas I'm that woman who gave two copper coins and God saw this as a great sacrifice and is redeeming me, because I have nothing more to give.

You can go ahead and disown me, you can go ahead and rejected me. But I'm not great in the eyes of men anyway.

I am honored in the sight of God and redeemed and loved. You too are loved, but the differences don't build a kingdom , I'm becoming the very least of the saints.

In truth I can't build a kingdom even, I am unable to. I can not because I'm not my own and my life belongs to the Lord. He can establish me, He can take me and give me as He is my owner and He is my master to Him I've given my life. And He has honored me when I'm no bigger than anyone.

God is good.