You will set yourself before me, You will redeem me, You declared me yours.
Yours I am - broken, no will of my own, no desire but brokenness.
I want to fall into my old ways, I just want to close myself in a virtual world, but you don't allow me to. Your ways are for the good, I'm sure.
I have hope, but it's not mine, it's yours, and it hurts, I don't understand it, it burns away my desires and needs that are not met. Are you not the God of wonders, the Alpha and Omega, your ways are above mine.
You have spoken rightly David, in psalms 23 where you said "I shall not want." For nothing I desire, nothing meets my expectation. I'm tired of going to and fro to find what I'm missing. I will now lay down and rest. Be you my overseer, my Lord, be you my victorious warrior, set yourself before me O Lord, fulfill your needs and plans for me.