Kuidas teha selgeks sulle, et ei hooli ma seksist, ei joogist ega rahast. Kuidas teha selgeks sulle, et ei soovi sinult midagi võtta, vaid anda. Kuidas teha selgeks, et olen aus ja püüdlen täielikkuseni, ja mu täielikkuse täidaks veel üks viimane kild, milleks on natuke tähetolmu sinult. Mitte ei soovi ma sind näha ennast tapmas, mitte ei huvitu ma sellest, et tahad ennast kõigile anda, sest sa tõesti hoolid, tahad oma armastust näidata maailmale, ent keegi seda sinuni tagasi ei too. Sa pole selle maailma jaoks loodud, oled häbelik, sest maailm on täis hunte, kes jahivad sind kui saaki. Samas on sul palju öelda ja oled tohutult tugev võitlemast viimse hingetõmbeni kuni juhtuski see. Juhtus see mõeldamatu, olid oma südame kaotanud.
Mina, kes olen läinud Jumalalt aru pärima, kõige asjus olen saanud palju sajatada ja palju õpetussõnu, palju tarkust kuid ka kasvatanud ettevaatlikust. Olen taas leidnud endale sügavad mõtteteradest seemned, mis minu olemust toidavad, armastus. See pole selline armastus, mis ainult annab, see pole selline armastus mis ei tee välja sellest kurjast ja ütleb, et see on ka kõige osa. See armastus minus on armastus õige poolt. See armastus näitab ja sunnib mind tegema heategusid, sunnib mind lükkama asju korda tagasi ja kasvatab minus julgust. Kohati sunnib see mind ka enda eluga edasi liikuma, sest kodukoha juured vajavad ruumi, et kasvaks puu, mille lehed lehitsegu aastaringselt. Ma saan selle vajaduslikkusest aru, kuid samal ajal mõistab ka armastus mind, et hetkeline olukord on väga keeruliseks muutumas, peab olema väga palju usku sellesse, et kõik läheb õiglaselt, kuid tuleb aidata nii palju kui saab.
Oma retke ajal olen siiski ikka ja jälle leidnud Sinu, korduv pimestus, miks just Sina, miks just sinu hing. Ütlesin korduvalt, sest eelnevalt kui olin armastuse kaotanud jäin sama päikesepaiste kätte, mis kadus ja uputas mu öhe. Kuid siin ma olen, taaskord selle künka otsas, kui näen seda päikesepaistet, see pole päris see armastus, mida mina nägin siis või tundsin, aga see on väga ligilähedane, ilmselt on asi selles, et maailm on võtnud sinult ja söönud sind ja sülitanud sinusse kurjust, et sa ei säraks enam sellisena nagu seda su hing teeb. Olen isegi palju kurja teinud oma pimestatud südamega, ja olen neid keerdkäike mööda seigelnud piisavalt, aga õnn on leida see sõnum ja need mõtted millega olen sündinud. Ma nüüd ei taha väita, et sa teed midagi minu silmis valesti, lihtsalt näen kuidas komistad pidevalt, sest tead isegi kui oluline ja eluvajalik on tegelikult armastus. Nii veider on sind vaadata, kuidas su loomuses on puhtus, kuid kuidas su õpitud tõekspidamised neelutavad sinusse vägijooki, õnneks oled sa tark ja ei kipu liialdama sellega, kuid kahjuks pole mitte piisavalt tark, et näha neid inimesi kes sinuga samas hetkes istuvad.
Kõik meeleparandajad ei too sulle tegelikku kasu, sest ma tean, mis sulle tegelikult meeldib. Ma näen seda oma silmaga, ja ma ütlen, et ei ole olemas ühtegi jooki ega ühtegi väärtust maa peal kui seda on looming, elu, armastus. Me oleme sarnased, ma arvan. Nii mulle kui sulle meeldib asju parandada, puhuda hing sisse millelegi elutule, kust see välja väänatud on, see on meil loomuses. Mida lihtsalt pidevalt tahetakse tappa läbi meelestamise ja meelitamise ,keelitamise ja keeletamise, küll joovastuse ja joogastuse ja kõige muuga, mis on näiliselt tore.
Nii tunnen ma, et mu hing ihkab sinuga olla, ja tõesti ei hooli ma maa pealsest tühjusest, kuna oma täite olen saanud kuskilt kõrgemalt, kaugemalt, ilmselt sealt kuhu me hinged kuuluvad. Kuidas sulle näidata seda, mis minu sees on kui mitte sõnastada ikka ja jälle, sulle öelda seda, et me kuulume ühte. Kuigi näime erinevad ja suhtume veidi teisiti, kuid viisil mis tõesti hästi näib töötavat mõlema kasuks ja alati on toonud vilja kuniks vesi minema kõik uhab. Siiski see töötab alati, sest teeme seda koos.
Kas tõesti ei julge sa armastada, et ruumi jätkuks kahele? Vahest on valus, muidugi, aga valu su õuele ma ei too, ja kõik valu mis sul on võtaksin kõik enese hoolde kanda, sest hoolin sinust. Maailm võib olla pöörane ja selles elamine pööritab pead, kuid sa tead isegi, et see kõik on mööduv, aga sa näed vahepeal välja nii üksi. Hoiame kokku neiu, sest ütlen sulle ausalt, ma pole iial isegi mõelnud ennast siduda kellegagi, kuni hetkeni mil jõudsid sina. Ja see pole mitte see ülistatud arusaam armastusest, vaid pigem see, et näen sind endaga sobivat kokku nagu sukk ja saabas.
Tõsimeeli ma ütlen sulle, et hoolin sinust, ja aeg ikka ja jälle näitab, et olen alati valmis sinuga koostööks ükskõik, mis ka ei oleks. Sa oled tähtis mulle tüdruk ja ma tõsimeeli arvan, et ma olen sinu mees.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
In circles
Here's the thing. I love you. As far as loving another human goes, I seem love you uniquely. I think I fell in love with you the first day we met, without realizing it myself how far fetched it really is, at least it's turning out to be. My life so far seems to have been spent working in a coal mine. Hazy atmosphere full of junk air, people with headlamps only seeing what's in front of them due to the excessive darkness. Not a kind setting for someone who yearns some form of freedom, oxygen and life, and even those ideas are greatly overshadowed in the very essence of my being which yearns for love.
Compassion is in my nature, I wouldn't turn down anyone who comes to me for help, though sometimes I'm too blind to see who needs help around me so that I could go to them. But here I am, working away at this coal mine hoping to strike into a pathway that leads me to heaven, leads me to the ultimate, Love. Then I found you. A small diamond, it's so rough it's not worth much uncut, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever come across this plane. Formed under intense pressure you've gained a unique form to my eyes. And turns out diamonds are known to be stubborn, definitely a lot more stubborn than stones, probably because they're made to survive.
Now you didn't have a headlamp, you carry around your lantern and it is clearly a lot heavier because you have to keep it lowered down for most of the time, so perhaps you don't see as many faces as some do. But I like it, I like that you're old fashioned, I've always been fascinated with simplicity, not to say that you're simple. To me you're so so much more than the definition that simple conveys, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, because you have that in spades and I openly say that it more than rivals, even tops mine(and I like to consider myself witty, in my arrogance). It also has nothing to do with how you look like on the outside. Being honest I'd like to say that yeah, you're rough around the edges at some points. But it's those edges that give you so much uniqueness and define you in a way that I simply can not discredit or not be allured by. All of what I see, what I hear and what I think about you seems to come to a standstill every time I look you in the eyes. Because what I see there is simply the most beautiful sense of love that I've ever come across. My soul, my very being simply wants to escape my body just to hug that light, not to consume it, but to feel the warmth, to give my own essence my own love back, just to simply take your hand and see how much of the world is it possible to conquer with simple acts of kindness,compassion and love at a time.
Diamonds are known to be stubborn. What I really want to do is give you your freedom, but it's difficult to me because I don't want to let you go, but for you it doesn't seem to matter, a diamond shines the same in a coal mine, a store, in someones pocket or on someones ring. But what I'm trying to tell you is that I don't want you to be shaped by a gemcutter. The thing is, I love you, and I simply don't know why and I have no idea on how to proceed, I let you go once already, but I found you again. I tried to find the likeness in other gems, but it just doesn't click. For me, it's hopeless, because I see you being cut and I see how you get hurt because of it, and it kills me.
Compassion is in my nature, I wouldn't turn down anyone who comes to me for help, though sometimes I'm too blind to see who needs help around me so that I could go to them. But here I am, working away at this coal mine hoping to strike into a pathway that leads me to heaven, leads me to the ultimate, Love. Then I found you. A small diamond, it's so rough it's not worth much uncut, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever come across this plane. Formed under intense pressure you've gained a unique form to my eyes. And turns out diamonds are known to be stubborn, definitely a lot more stubborn than stones, probably because they're made to survive.
Now you didn't have a headlamp, you carry around your lantern and it is clearly a lot heavier because you have to keep it lowered down for most of the time, so perhaps you don't see as many faces as some do. But I like it, I like that you're old fashioned, I've always been fascinated with simplicity, not to say that you're simple. To me you're so so much more than the definition that simple conveys, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, because you have that in spades and I openly say that it more than rivals, even tops mine(and I like to consider myself witty, in my arrogance). It also has nothing to do with how you look like on the outside. Being honest I'd like to say that yeah, you're rough around the edges at some points. But it's those edges that give you so much uniqueness and define you in a way that I simply can not discredit or not be allured by. All of what I see, what I hear and what I think about you seems to come to a standstill every time I look you in the eyes. Because what I see there is simply the most beautiful sense of love that I've ever come across. My soul, my very being simply wants to escape my body just to hug that light, not to consume it, but to feel the warmth, to give my own essence my own love back, just to simply take your hand and see how much of the world is it possible to conquer with simple acts of kindness,compassion and love at a time.
Diamonds are known to be stubborn. What I really want to do is give you your freedom, but it's difficult to me because I don't want to let you go, but for you it doesn't seem to matter, a diamond shines the same in a coal mine, a store, in someones pocket or on someones ring. But what I'm trying to tell you is that I don't want you to be shaped by a gemcutter. The thing is, I love you, and I simply don't know why and I have no idea on how to proceed, I let you go once already, but I found you again. I tried to find the likeness in other gems, but it just doesn't click. For me, it's hopeless, because I see you being cut and I see how you get hurt because of it, and it kills me.
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