Why do I wish so much death upon others? I mean sure, it's considered a bad omen, but it's not the worst one... In honesty I think many whom I've judged so, actually deserve to die - well... somewhat at least. I think my thoughts just reflect my broken personae and perhaps are not directed as completely bad, more or less like a protective method. Still it's is not an omen to fuck around with... I seem to be quite stuck between rationale and prejudice, I'm too quick to come to a conclusion then again my conclusions are always causative a.k.a because something or other happened, so it's ok(?) to do so even if I know it's wrong. However with the hatred I've conjured I've also given much room for balance and love. Basically with great hatred comes great love, though.. I do not wish to share it with anyone - so it's a bit of a paradox ^^ in sense, that I have it and can share it, but I don't want to. I find myself to be most productive or balanced when I'm with my solitude, or with very FEW people whom I interact with... That seems to be ideal for me...
From here on I've lost my strain of thought, so I'll end this ''post'' or whatever it's called.